“The map is not the territory.”
- Alfred Korzybski
Indeed “the map is not the territory,” but we often need some kind of a map along with a compass to guide us through the wilderness of new ideas and experiences, as well as with the integration of both while we find ourselves seeking to grow into more expansive domains.
Following is a listing of resources you might want to explore in order to get both a broader and deeper understanding of Structural Integration, its principles and techniques, its community of practitioners, teachers, and researchers, along with determining if this work is relevant to your desires and intentions.
Organizations and schools
This is an excellent source not only to find a S.I. practitioner, but it also serves as a resource for accessing all the accredited Structural Integration schools and training programs around the world. In addition to acquiring a foundational understanding about what Structural Integration is as a body of knowledge and practice, you can examine the schools listed in order to get a sense of the many unique perspectives each school offers.
The European Guild for Structural Integration is a fabulous school and organization which preserves, and yet at the same time builds on Dr. Rolf’s theories and teachings. The European Guild has sister schools in Japan and Brazil which truly gives Structural Integration a global presence. The school is loaded with magnificent and experienced teachers who offer classes in both basic training and continuing education. That all said, the Guild gives a broad spectrum of both the individual and cultural views on Dr. Rolf’s work while at the same time reinforcing and preserving her basic ideas.
This is the school where the two of us trained with Emmett Hutchins and Peter Melchoir, who founded the school in 1989. Unfortunately, both Emmett and Peter have passed away, but the school has a new generation of teachers dedicated to the preservation and cultivation of Dr. Rolf’s teachings.
This is a site which gives you a glimpse of the scientific dialogue and collaboration between clinicians, researchers, and academicians in order to further our knowledge and insights on the properties and functions of fasciae. It’s an excellent site which shows how Structural Integration has its foundation grounded within the objective research and understanding that science has to offer.
These are two of the most informative and inspirational books there are about Structural Integration, its core principles, and how ideas, experiences, and intentionality come together to bring balance and wholeness to one’s life .
Both of these books give insights into Dr. Rolf’s vision with Structural Integration. The book ROLFING offers technical information about her ideas along with her philosophy, and ROLFING AND PHYSICAL REALITY is a beautiful collection of her quotes which give glimpses of her brilliance.
Your Body Mandala by Mary Bond
Structural Integration also has a somatic movement component where the work is explored primarily through awareness accessed through movement and self-awareness exercises. Mary Bond has been a leader in teaching movement based Structural Integration principles for decades, and this book is an excellent resource that captures her ideas. Her work is incredibly effective alone or in conjunction with hands on Structural Integration work.